Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Treasure (pt1)

The Treasure
Part 1 - The Longing

*Set black*

Narrator: “Deep within all of us lies a longing. It is so deep, we may not even be aware of its existence. We don’t talk about it. We don’t think about it. We can’t really even identify it. But it’s the longing that drives us to no end. Searching high and low, embracing everything, trying to fill the void with anything we can or denying its existence – it’s the longing that was planted within each of us at the very beginning of time.”

*Ease lights into opening scene. It is early morning in a beautiful garden. The tree of the Knowledge of good and Evil is center stage surrounded by other trees, floral shrubby, fawns etc. Running water and birds are heard in the background. Everything is peaceful and Adam and Eve walk on stage hand in hand whispering lover’s sweet nothings. Walking to center stage they pause for a moment, then deciding to take a piece of fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they both eat. Adam, being second to partake, drops the fruit to the ground, releases Eve’s hand and both briskly walk cautiously off stage as if afraid to be seen. Fade to black.*

* Warm lighting rises on the garden at evening time. Garden is off center of stage and there is now a cave opening bottom stage right. Adam and Eve both walk on stage clothed in fig leaves. Disinterested and making no lover’s revelry in each other they sit down next to a bush stage left.*

Eve: *sadly* “I don’t understand.”
Adam: “We did the one thing He told us not to do, Eve. What don’t you understand?”
Eve: “Well what are we going to do?”
Adam: “I don’t know yet.”
God: *off stage* “Adam? Eve?”
Adam: “Quick!”

*Adam grabs Eve’s hand and runs toward cave bottom stage right*

God: “Where are you?”

*God walks on stage and, seeing Adam and Eve in the cave, approaches them*

Adam: “I heard you in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked. And I hid.”
God: *with confusion* “Who told you you were naked?” *face becomes that of realization*

*Fade to black*

Narrator: “And so it began. In that one act, the longing that would haunt humanity the rest of history was birthed. As time moved on, the longing grew more and more acute. Nations crumbled as brother turned against brother - the void within man growing larger with each object meant to satisfy it. The longing was pressed farther and farther into the recesses of man’s thought in attempts to survive. Dejected, desolate, and dying – humanity continued spiraling in an attempt to grasp the one thing that could restore them to their original standing. The one thing that could fill the longing they tried everything to fill. And yet a sliver of hope pierced the dismal landscape: a promise of redemption - a chance of restoration. Humanity stood. Fearful to hope for this promised deliverance. Eager for its arrival. Waiting.”

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Happy is...

...sunshine waking you up
...bubble baths
...closing your eyes, traveling to the opening scene of "The Sound of Music," and dancing in the field with Maria
...reading the Bible and losing track of time
...listening to the leaves fall and chatter as they race across the ground
...going barefoot in a field
...a walk on a dirt path through a green forest infused with light
...a sunset view from the mountains
...water lapping, flowing, running, and rushing all other thoughts from your mind
...wooden bridges and botanical gardens
...the smell of evergreens
...the warmth of the sunshine seeping through your clothes and caressing your skin
...the sound of the wind
...nature - clouds, trees, plants, flowers, cliffs above and road below
...lying on your back under the black velvet sky watching diamonds fly that's just a little too cool for a tshirt
...bazaars, festivals, and fairs
...the change of seasons
...crickets chirping and fireflies dancing windows with laughter floating in down and music blaring
...a lyric, quote, or thought that embodies the moment in life perfectly
...torrents of rain on the window pane and a blanket
...a book by the fire
...that sparkle in your eye
...fabrics of all kinds
...a cross stitch
...the smell of new books
...the hallmark store
...a library
...seeing you happy
...a day with my best friend
...inside joys (rather than "jokes")
...trying on formal gowns
...piano music
...talking til 1am
...just being with you
...sharing your joy
...dress up socks
...taking time to be a child and play with dolls
...slippers and pjs
...knowing I can - and I don't have to
...hitting snooze and curling back up with snoopy
...trusting God when I don't know
...seeing someone let a man or woman in uniform go first
...dark chocolate
...a new bath product
...a new nail polish
...a new hair cut
...jackets and coats
...a child at a park
...a random call to/from grandparents
...a nap
...a clean room and clean laundry
...being surprised
...sitting alone in a sanctuary with stained glass windows
...visiting historical sights
...early morning on a lake
...a crisp night in a tent
...Easter morning
...candy corn and hayrides
...Christmas eve
...Christmas lights
...4th of July
...accomplishing something with pride
...a perfect shot - golf or handgun

and so much more.