Monday, November 3, 2008

The Beginning

Well, here I am. I've been debating for a while now whether or not to get a blog. I think you know what I did! ;' )
It is exactly 12:00am as I'm writing this. It is now officially Election Day! Wow! Just think - supposedly in less than 48 hrs we will know who our next president will be. I'm not going to go off into who I voted for or who you should vote for - I'm sure we're all tired of that. I’m just going to say that this is my first time voting and I must say I am very excited about it. It's been a new experience and one that I found humorously enjoyable, humorous, mostly because I voted by absentee ballot. Having never done so before and not having any idea as to what I was supposed to do - I skimmed the ballot. There were so many names on it - I didn't even see the block for voting for president - just the local officials. This was about a week ago. When I realized Saturday night, that was the thing I needed to vote, I was slightly worried, wondering how I was going to get my ballot in on time. I filled it out on Sunday and mailed it Monday morning. It had to arrive by 7:30 Tuesday night so I mailed it “overnight”. Little did I know voting cost so much! I laughed when I saw that it was costing me $14.65 to overnight a manila envelope weighting 2 ounces over two states. Oh well - the price of beginner’s ignorance. All in all I enjoyed the experience.
Happy Election Day, you guys! God bless you!

In Him,


1 Timothy 2:1-2 ~ "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

1 comment:

peacelovenjesus said...

YIPPIE! I'm so glad you got a blog!!=)