Saturday, March 6, 2010

Moments I live for...

Hmmm. Hi! :)

I know that sounds like kinda a weird way to start out a post, but bear with me. You know those moments you live for? Those literal moments of perfect content and peace. Where nothing's necessarily right - but nothing's wrong. The peace and refreshment that engulfs you - the calm before the storm, if you will... Isn't that one of the most stunning times ever? Right before the storm? Everything's perfect - the smell of the future torrent is in the air, but for now - it's not here.
Not yet.
And you embrace the smell.
To me it smells like rain.
For the longest time I had no idea what people meant when they would talk about being able to "smell rain." Until maybe 2 years ago, I thought they were just crazy or I just "didn't have it." No matter. I can smell it now. And I love it. The past few days have been gorgeous. Absolutely impossible to ruin! (Trust me - I've had the flu and I loved them that much!) God is awesome!

I'm not one of those people who stops. Like - really. I've found that the only time I physically cannot multitask is when I am soaking up the sun on the roof of New Women's...kinda. It's too bright to read, but unfortunately, my cell still gets reception. Anywho... point being - God is awesome, yes. But He's awesome specifically in that He gave me the flu. Hehe. I know, I know! I sound crazy! But having the flu forced me to stop. I even tried multitasking! But He knocked me out. I slept for two days together! It was wonderful because I have been running myself into the ground being busy and it's only about to get busier! (If that's even possible!) But God, in His loving wisdom and providence - forced me to recharge before I head back into the thick of it. Over the past few days, I wish I could say that I've dug deeply into my bible study, but I haven't. Instead, I simply basked in knowing my loving Father was there. Holding me. I was reminded of who I was. His Princess. It's really refreshing to take some time and remember who you are. To go out and meet your maker. To walk in His cool, quiet garden. Those are the moments I live for. No matter how crazy life gets, may we not forget who's we are. I'm so thankful that my Lord pulled me aside and reminded me who's I was! Do you need some time to step aside and remember?

So - that's what I've been up to! :D

1 comment:

Valzaan87 said...

If there was a "like" button on blogger, I'd click it. :)