Saturday, February 14, 2009

Human BEings

Have you ever noticed how fast our lives are? Ha! It’s hard not to realize it… We run around like crazy and don’t feel accomplished until we’ve complete at least 85 million things in one day.

Yesterday I was riding in the car with my friend Hannah. We were on the way to her house for the weekend (about a 200 mile drive). Do you realize that not even a hundred years ago this trip could have taken a week! We drove it in 2 ½ hours. Hannah and I talked about time and how it flies and how we try to cram it so full that we can’t possibly enjoy it. Hannah said something that struck me. It was simple, and yet, when you think about it has so much depth beyond its words alone. “God made us to be human BEings, not human DOings” she said. Think about that for a minute. God made us to enjoy the world he gave us. We find ourselves young, wishing to be grown up and then “grown up” wondering where all the time went. Time seems to go faster with each day. We use to live with time, work with it, and enjoy it. Now we try to beat time, race the clock, do the most. When did success become based on how much paperwork you got done that day? Look around – the papers are done, now what? Who’s there to enjoy the break with you? We try to plan our lives to the smallest detail. God says in Matthew 6:34 – “do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Enjoy the moment.

Today is Valentine’s Day (No- duh, Meagan! You say.) But give me a minute. Celebrate the day, but please don’t get caught up in to commercial holiday. Show your loved one that you care about them every day (You won’t have to worry about forgetting flowers!). Give up the work for a while to be with the ones you love or you’ll turn around to find no one there. A pastor of mine once said “Don’t let the emergencies of life crowd out the important things of life.”

I love the song “Don’t Blink” by Kenney Chesney. It reminds me of the value of the time we have. Enjoy your time and be a human being instead of a human doing. I think you’ll find it much more enjoyable. You have one life – love it and love in it – paperwork will still be there tomorrow.

God Bless!


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