Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Falling into Safety

Ok, so I found out that I'm not so good at this blogging thing. I mean it's only been what about SIX WEEKS since I've made and entry! A lot has gone on in that time, good things and not so good things. There has been drama in the family, drama with friends, and drama with myself. In all honesty there were times when I wasn't sure I was going to make it through (I'm not being dramatic here, I promise!) My dad went through some interesting medical issues, keeping contact with friends created tension with distance, and I found myself confused and wondering where God was and if I was doing the right things (not that I was doing anything bad - just - directionally).

For the most part (except for being in and out of the hospital with my dad) I had a completely refreshing Christmas break. I came back to school with new focus and courage to do some things I had needed to do for a while, but wasn't doing (ie - just say "no"!).

School has been going well. I'm enjoying my classes (ok, except for one...) and I am refreshed and renewed in hope. What I wanted to make a point of in this blog section is that, through everything, God had never gone anywhere, even when I thought he felt distant. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't tell you all that has happened since my last blog - there's too much, but I am so thankful that even when it was overwhelming to me I had the best back up possible! God says in Matthew 10:28-31 that He sees everything - even a sparrow with a broken wing, and he will never give us more than we can bear (1Cor 10:13). I just wanted to publicly thank my Savior for all the wonderful things he has worked in my life just in the past month. So, thanks, God!

I hope you all are doing well and I have the best intentions of blogging more regularly.

In Him,


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