Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Be Glorified In Me

It’s a pretty well known song that we sing… most of us don’t even need the screen to remind us of the words, but just in case you do:

Your love has captured me
Your grace has set me free
Your life the air I breathe
Be glorified in me (2x)

You set my feet to dancing
You set my heart on fire
In the presence of a thousand kings
You are my one desire
I stand before you now
With trembling hands lifted high
Be glorified

I love to sing song of praise to my Lord and Father. Unfortunately, sometimes I find myself singing the words while not thinking about them. I’m planning how I’m going to get this or that done – and my focus is anywhere but on what my mouth is saying. During a recent worship service I was reminded of God’s power and how He can work through us if we just allow Him to. Someone brought up the creation and the fall. The person reminded the rest of us that when sin entered the world, the world became legally Satan’s. Because of this – God legally can’t touch the earth unless we invite him to through prayer. Wow – now THAT’S a true power. But how often – even in the simplest things – do I exhaust myself in my efforts before even remembering to pray? If we truly want God to be glorified in us we need to wake up – and give ourselves to him first - without reserve. I needed a wake-up call – this is real and the time is now. I’m striving to remember that there is so much beyond what I see and only God can make it turn out right – but I need to ask for Him to help. As I strive to do this – it is THEN that God truly can be glorified and I can bring my focus back to what’s important.

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