Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Long Break and Lessons Learned

It's been forever. (No - duh!) And tons has happened. Thinking over the summer and this past semester - I have grown so much. The image that comes to my mind is that of a bird. Just learning how to fly it is push out of its nest unable to resist the force launching it forward. Then - it begins, the rushing downward spiral. Everything goes crazy - control is a joke and survival becomes the goal. Survival - now instinct kicks in - wobbly wings spread and are quickly forced back as these virgin wings are no match for gravity's pull. The death fall continues - speeding up (if possible). Something resigns, but then reality hits. I'm not going to let this defeat me! I'm going to fight! I'm going to fight until I hit the concrete! Wings once again fight to cut the vicious wind and are somewhat stronger this time. The decent slows for a second. The bird looks around - she's not alone - she has a teacher. Attempting to follow instruction to the best of her ability, the little bird - with time and experience, gets the general hang of this flying thing. Suddenly the world is so much bigger than the nest.
Funny, isn't it? Five months summed up in something as simple as a bird learning to fly. And I see it again. Looking back - God's hand in the simple things. I have learned so many lessons in those 5 months I'm not even going to try to recount them. But one of the biggest things I've learned - He uses the little things. Things I can't see - don't understand - the tiny details - to make the result beautiful. God - MY God - uses all of it - every single thing - to His glory. Every second thought, every heartbreaking realization, every double-me-over laugh. The little things, the simple things, the every day life things. And that, to me, is what makes this life worth living. Knowing that it's in my God's hands.

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