Wednesday, January 20, 2010

On Second Glance...

Everything's coming at me all at once.
I'm scared.
And I'm failing.
Being steadily chipped away at.

But when I take another look... it's ok.
I realize I don't have to stand - He holds me.
I don't have to take the brunt force - for I am safely inside my "strong tower."
And not only this but I see that it is my Maker holding the chisel.
I rest knowing I am safe and He is working His will.
He is creating the beautiful thing He originally intended.
It may hurt now.
It may be confusing.
But I am in the safest place I could ever be - my loving Father's care.

Psalm 61:3- "For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe."
Proverbs 18:10- "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."


Valzaan87 said...

I found you! Oh wait, I found you because you found me...this is confusing can be. I guess you found me, so i didn't find you. But if you were the finder, then who found you? God probably did, yes that would seem true. After all, you love Jesus and I know He loves you! =D

Meagan said...

Hi! Yay, I'm glad you finally found me! (Or however it is that everyone is found.) :)