So - I was walking across campus yesterday thinking about how sad it is that the joy of learning has been replaced with the stress of learning. I was thinking about all the things that I would LOVE to learn about - but because society dictates what I must learn - I dread it instead of reveling in it. If I could study all the things I wanted - I'm SURE I'd never graduate! Certainly not with any usful degree to help me survive the world anyway. :( Why do we have to be so competitive. (And don't tell me to do it in my spare time- I don't have spare time! Life's to competitive for that. I almost DO feel like Darwin's survival of the fitest.) >.< Life would be so much more enjoyable if I didn't feel like it was a to-do list. It's like "take these certain classes at these certain times about these certain topics so that you can graduate at this certain time to do what everyone else is clawing to maintain some sort of security in." WOO! That was fun! *please sense heavy sarcasm*
So - enough bashing on school and the confining demands of society for survival. What would I do if I could do what ever I wanted? Well, hmmm... :) I'd LOVE to study:
-Prayer: the entire concept fascinates me! I'd love to take time to actually look at, understand, and study it rather than just do it - assuming what it is. I know what it is in its basics - but I want to understand it so I can appreciate it more.
-Photography: I LOVE looking at it! I love playing with (ie-editing) it! I'd LOVE knowing how to DO it! I had the chance to take a photography class once and I absolutely loved it! (Until I had to drop out in order to take on more volunteer hours to get better scholarships to a college...)
-Reading: I miss the days I could read for pleasure. Now - if I'm not reading for the sake of studying - I get a guilt complex. :(
-Astronomy: the skies have ALWAYS fascinated me! Especially the night sky! I studied a little about astronomy when I was a child but that also faded out when school increased.
-Quilting: ok - so now I'm kinda bleeding over to my "bucket list," but I've wanted to make a quilt for several years now. :)
-Music/Voice: I use to take piano - and hated it. Now I miss it like no one's business! What I wouldn't give to still be able to read music, pick something up, and play it on the piano! Also, I've always dreamed of taking voice. And at some point in my future - hopefully sooner than later - I hope to teach myself guitar. :)
-Nonverbal Communication: it may not be a perfect science (YET!) but I would LOVE to study nonverbal communication and microexpressions. (Yes - Lie to Me is a favorite tv show.) :)
-Shooting/Fencing: The first I've done and I love (though for lack of practice I've drilled bad habits into my style). Fencing, I've always thought would be really fun (Thanks to Lindsy Lohan's "Parent Trap") but have yet to actually try. It's not the highest on my list.
That's all off the top of my head. So yes - I truly am eclectic. :) What about you? If you could study anything you wanted - what's your list? :)
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