Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"My Father Knows"

"And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be worried. For all the nations of the world seek after these things and your Father knows you need them. Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you. Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." - Luke 12: 29-32


When I let the pressures and stresses of life overwhelm me I forget You. I forget that you are my loving Father who cares for me. I forget that You are my intimate lover who misses me. I forget that You are my Almighty God who empowers me. I fail to call on You, choosing instead to focus on my troubles at hand and for that am overpowered by them. I forget that you were once a man. I forget that you know the trials of everyday life. I forget that you know ME. You understand what I'm going through. What I'm fighting with. What weighs me down. You know. And all I need to do is look away from my struggles and look to You. You protect me. You strengthen me. You raise me up. You set me right. You take my hand. You prepare my path. May I no longer be intimidated to approach you because of my failures. May I truly believe in your love for me. That you want what's best for me. That you want me to succeed. May I remember that You will not take advantage of me or laugh at my weakness. You will not hold over my head that I am inadequate to face life on my own. You will not gloat that I need you but rather rejoice that You can be of service. You take pleasure in protecting and providing for me. When satan whispers lies of doubt may I remember the purity of Your character and always choose You. May I never doubt Your faithfulness. Your providence. Your favor. Your love. May I remember it's not about me - it's about You. May I remember who you truly are. "God. Is. Love. And perfect love, casts out fear."


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