Saturday, January 23, 2010


This poem has been a long time in the making and has in fact existed for a long time in my heart. I couldn't (or out of selfishness just haven't until now) put it into words. I've been absent from poetry writing for quite some time, but when trying to explain myself to a friend the other night, was challenged and decided to try again. And despite the fact that, yes, I was being semi-selfish about keeping this beautiful realization to myself rather than sharing it, it is also completely true that didn't and still don't even think I did Him justice in attempting to explain how I feel and see Him. Being in Mississippi has inspired and challenged me in the best of ways. I have seen things I would never have thought to stop and look at and have been drawn closer than ever before to The Love of my life. I thought about titling this poem "I Love You" but decided against titling it anything. God works in mysterious ways and I feel I've already cut Him short in trying to express this in words, so I'll let His Spirit title it for you. I hope you feel His touch in reading this. He is everywhere - we just have to notice.


It’s the way that You wink as You open Your eyes – so many unaware
The sunrise revealing a part of Yourself you want so badly to share.
It’s the way that You tenderly caress my frame – while nobody else will know
That the gentle breeze journeying by is a part of You to me You show.
It’s the way that You delicately kiss my skin – in public the secret still hides
For the warmest sunbeam Your bidding obeys through most beautiful skies.
It’s the way that You tell me You’re thinking of me – so obvious I almost don’t see
All around on the ground fragile blooms can be found and one of them there just for me.
It’s the way that You whisper sweet sayings to me – though nobody else can hear
Through the rustling trees Your voice comes to me and it is as if you stood near.
It’s the way that You prepare my every path – so as not to let one step alone
In the way the ground gives ‘neath my feet it is clear that by myself I do not roam.
It’s the way that You laugh and You ask me to join – though others do not understand
In the bubbling brook Your mirth does appear and it's there that You offer me Your hand.
It’s the way that You bestow me with every gem – though the world may be blind to it all
In the light through the clouds, gold dances down and silver rings in showers fall.
It’s the way that You softly remind me each day that You’re with me and in me alive
When each breath I take is full of Your scent and from You courage each day can derive.
It’s the way that You lovingly tuck me in bed at the end of each beautiful day
In a blanket of stars wrap me close to your heart “Good night and I love you” You say.
It’s the way that You every day remind me, if I’ll just take the time, stop, and heed
That every day in every way “I love you!” You’ve written - for those who will read.

-Meagan Offerman
January 24, 2010

1 comment:

Jess said...

thank you for writing this, Meagan. I love the way you see Him in nature. thank you for sharing and reminding me of His love. -Jess