Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Called to be.... comfortable?!?

If the title didn't make you cringe... politely put - something's wrong with you! But really, that's basically what I've been working on for the past while now. I realized over the summer just how much stock I put in being "safe" and being "comfortable" (even as backward as my versions of those are compared to normal humanity...) when Jesus never called me as His disciple to be either. So often I get caught up in being the "princess daughter" of God that I forget that I am also a disciple. One of the biggest stereotypes of royalty that I know at least I have is that royal persons sit in over sized, velvet plush throne-chairs (to me "throne" just sounds so uncomfortable - so I will call it a "throne-chair") :) and order others about. I tend to forget just all that actually goes in to the privilege of sitting on that lush seat - all the concern standardly implied by that position. To paraphrase Prince Philip from Princess of Thieves, "A King is expected to do something ABOUT them!" (referring to dealing with war, taxes and plague). Well... I'm a princess, right? Then doesn't that mean I should be doing something about the world's condition in the name of my Father, the King, not just sitting around fantasizing about princes and worried about peas...? I think it does!
So often I find myself guilty of focusing on the "peas" of life - my comfort and future security, that I forget the "peasants" in my charge - those who have not heard the gospel and even those who have and need discipleship! The funny thing is - I've noticed that whenever I'm focused on my "peas" - I'm not happy. Ok - so that's not so much funny as it is eye opening...
Maybe... maybe this phenomenon happens, and just maybe this unrest stems, from the fact that I'M NOT SUPPOSE TO BE COMFORTABLE!
If I'm called to be like Jesus - He had no place to lay His head...
If I'm called to be like Jesus - He didn't have a back up plan...
If I'm called to be like Jesus - He had a heart for people not security...
If I'm called to be like Jesus - He went smack into the middle of situations that the "holy people" of His day avoided and were made uncomfortable by...
If I'm called to be like Jesus - (and I am) why don't I look like Him?
This next statement may or may not surprise you, but we are ALL called to INTENSE mission work! We are all called to live our lives - every moment in a RADICAL way. A way SO different from the world and compromise that they look at us and wonder why we're so different. Maybe, for you, this isn't across the globe. I honestly think the harder battle is here. At home. It makes me think back to a book I just finished that basically said "if we can't be Jesus to our families - why should others believe us?" Yikes! I know so many times I put on a "Jesus face" for the world and strip it faster than nail polish remover does varnish when I'm around my family! But that's just it, isn't it? Jesus doesn't call us to wear a "face" - He asks us to have a LIFESTYLE. A lifestyle that follows His example - a PERFECT example. A lifestyle that points people to the King with every action we do. A lifestyle that, perhaps more than we think, isn't easy and isn't meant to be comfortable...
So how are you doing? Are you enjoying your throne-chair? If I can just say one thing - we could sure use the help in the field. I know it's not easy, I KNOW it's not comfortable, but based on His promise - I promise you it's WORTH IT! What do you say we start getting out of our comfort zone and truly wear the name we claim?