Friday, August 20, 2010

Somewhere Between the Altar and the Door

How many times has a second guess been long enough to kill the mission?
Ya, ya, ya - I know... I'll clarify. Ok, how about this:
How many times have I "thought better" and settled because of it. Seeds of doubt are a horrible thing to have to fight because they are in your head- you can't fight them with normal tactics- it's a mind game. The problem that I have continually encountered and seen so many other Christians stumble because of is just that: doubt. There are so many ways to go with this - so many "sermons" I could preach. But that's not what I want to do. I don't even know what I want to say, I just want it to resinate in a way that greatly reduces the victories Satan "wins" because of our doubt.
The account of Peter walking on water comes to my mind. I once heard it pointed out that Peter didn't doubt Jesus when he began sinking - rather he realized exactly what it was he was doing, then realizing that it wasn't physically possible, doubted and began to sink. How many times as Christians do we "get smart" with God and even when we're not 100% sure exactly HOW (and I'm sure that's more often than not), we're suppose to "walk by faith and not by sight" (2Cor5:7). I was confessing doubt to my mentor, explaining to her that I had begun really thinking about what it was I felt God calling me to do and all of a sudden I felt SO inadequate and a bunch of "what if's" rushed me. She countered with "We're all inadequate. Besides, if we were adequate, wouldn't that be pride?" She went on to cover that, of course, there's a difference between having a gift and using it and being adequate. Some things we can do adequately because we are good at them, but that's not all we're called to do. Ultimately, it's God doing the work, anyway, right? So... 1)Why are we worried about being adequate, because 2) God's not going to let something HE wills with HIS name on it fall flat on the ground because He didn't come through. That's just goofy. And sadly, a lot of times, this is what my "reasoning" boils down to. I'm reminded of one of my favorite poems. Here's a snippet, see what you think:

"We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, fabulous, (used by God)?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us."

-Marianne Williamson *(added by me)

If you call yourself a Christian- you are a child of God. Do you get that?! You! Son/Daughter of GOD! Why then are we so afraid of doubt? Why then do we allow doubt to have such and immobilizing grip on us? We have the power to fight back - to WIN - if we would just take advantage of it! If we truly are who we say we are - why don't we act like it, and maybe, just maybe, show doubt the door.

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