Wednesday, January 12, 2011

God is Good

Hey! Well... It's been a while, but don't hate me! I was out of country over Christmas break!

I learned so much and continue to be challenged as I have gotten back and am getting back into the swing of things. Life seem crazy and hectic but promising and calm at the same time. Yes - I realize that's contradictory. I've been going through and continue to go through things that have seemed overwhelming. I've been looking at a lot of changes in a short period of time and I've gotten scared. But when I take a second to slow down, I'm being reminded that my strength- or at least any that I have - comes from God - and soley from Him. You see, sometime's I'm guilty of getting short sighted and I forget God. Sometime's I'm guilty of getting to far sighted and being overwhelmed and I forget God. Sometimes I say I'm praying about it - but I don't truly give it up. How many things have I laid at His feet - only to take them righ tback up when I "left" His presence? How many times have I whined about fighting before I ever actually fought? How many times have I given up before starting and thought I'd be happier if I just quit? How many times have I made myself the victim and God the distant guy in the sky who has too much to worry about to notice me? How many times have I sold myslef short because I listened to Satan instead of listening to God - then blamed God for "not speaking louder than Satan" when in actuality - I'm just not taking time to listen? The answer to all of these, unfortunately, is too often.
Thankfully, God brought a friend back into my life who has offered to team up in accountability with me. I am super excited and greatly look forward to this alliance and re-established friendship. My biggest thing right now is just remembering this - God is good. God is many things and I am thankful for all of them and they are all wonderful. But right now - my focus is working on the daily consciousness that God is good. :) When life is hard- God id good. When life is crazy - God is good. When life is wonderful - God is good. When life just is - God id good. God isn't good because of circumstances - and God isn't good sheerly despite circumstance. God is just... good. And he loves me. And He loves you.
I just wanted to share what I've been working on (or am begining to start working on)in hopes that maybe it would encourage you too. Then I wanted to challenge you a little too: where's God working on you? One thing I've learned and it's gone from my head to my heart - God is active - and if you're not - then you might just want to get to work on that. God is wonderful despite our awareness of it - but it's a lot more helpful/useful if we'd wake ourselves up and be intentionally conscoius of what God's up to.
So - with that, I wish you a happy new year. May it be one in which God draws you closer than ever and reveals Himself in wonderful new ways to you and grows your faith and trust to a whole new level!

In Him,


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