Friday, January 14, 2011

Second Impressions

Haha. Wow... You know that really guilty feeling you get when you have something happen, you make a snap judgement, and you come to find out later that you're wrong? Not the best feeling in the world (though it can be relieving if you were under a bad impression and it was overturned by a good one.)
I started working a new job and didn't get off on the best foot when I met my immediate supervisor (via miscommunication). I thought is was going to be a mess and I was going to have an awful semester all because of one aspect of my job that I couldn't escape without making a scene.
Thank God for second impressions! I came into work this morning determined to make the best of it despite my poor footing and my supervisor seemed to not remember a thing about my first day. She may still not be the easiest person I work for, but I've come to realize that I made a bad choice when I decided to snap judge and become defensive instead of taking it to the Lord and taking a deep breath.
I firmly believe that if I would stop being so difficult and start learning from other's experiences - maybe I wouldn't run into half the trouble I do! So I share this in hopes that it is helpful or encouraging to you. If not - at least you got a laugh out of my rash faux pas. ;)

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