Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What's the Difference?

So... after an amazing summer (I hope to post a blog that I scribbled down during this past summer later) I am glad to say I've learned a lot. As great as that is, the biggest lesson I learned is that if I don't actively apply the lessons I learn, they might as well have never have happened. Duh! Ya - I know. But how many of us live that? It makes sense - it's a head knowledge - but what's the difference? If I actually believe it - what's the difference? How am I any different than anyone else? How are my standards, morals, actions, motives - how is my lifestyle - any different? And what's the point of believing something if it doesn't change who I am?

What's the difference?

I was discussing this with a friend toward the end of the summer posing the question "what's the difference" and they replied with something I hadn't even thought of: "One's a liar."

Huh! So not only am I smudging what God would have me to be when I am suppose to be the light of the world and sharing the truth - I'm flat out LYING if I don't follow "I'm a Christian" with God's desire for my lifestyle. At least they aren't claiming to be something they're not... Ouch! That hit me hard this summer. I was around over 1000 girls this summer who all knew that I am a Christian -and I was made sharply aware of the fact that they were looking at me to see what exactly that meant. The amazing responsibility and opportunity that placed before me was overwhelming in the best of ways. It challenged me to step up my game and live what I claim. It challenged me to be different - truly different - not just in word but in lifestyle. I hope with all that is in me that I am able to rise to the challenge and represent Jesus Christ faithfully. I hope to be different.

1 comment:

Valzaan87 said...

"Don't let your lights go down. Don't let your fire burn out. 'cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe. Why don't you rise up now? Don't be afraid to stand out...That's how the lost get found!"

I read your post and thought of this song :D

lstm. And Meagan, take it from someone who can are definitely different :p (Jk, but a good way!)